19 Fun Facts for the New Year:

  1. The first fax (if any of you even know what that is) was sent while people were still traveling the Oregon Trail.
  2. Abraham Lincoln was a champion wrestler before he became president!
  3. Since 1945, all British tanks have included equipment to make tea
  4. Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini were all nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize
  5. Yes, there actually was a Roman emperor who supposedly made his horse a senator (his name was Caligula)
  6. Before the 19th century, dentures were made with the teeth pulled from dead soldier’s mouths
  7.  Between 1900 and 1920, Tug-of-war was an Olympic event
  8. in 1929, researchers at Princeton University turned a living cat into a telephone
  9. The shortest war in history lasted 38 minutes
  10. Salem witches were never actually burned at the stake – those who were convicted ended up being hung.
  11. The patent for the fire hydrant ironically burned up in a fire
  12. The Ancient Egyptians thought that the function of the brain was to produce snot
  13. Pablo Picasso’s full name: Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso.
  14. Since metal was so scarce, Oscars were made out of plaster during WWII
  15. Boston, Massachusetts suffered a Molasses Tsunami in 1919
  16. The existence of the Sandwich that started WWI – Read Here.
  17. Thomas Edison designed the freakiest doll I’ve ever seen
  18. Heroin was sold as cough medicine and the non-addictive substitute for morphine
  19. The youngest serviceman in the US during WWII was 12 – Read More Here.

And there you have it! fun facts to start off the new year with some cool articles.

Never stop learning!

~ Houseman