Some Sad News….

I have some very bad news, people.

We have switched over to a new semester,

And i don’t have Blain.

I know, I know. Such terrible news.

Even he is sad. 

He doesn’t show it immediately, but today he walked into my new history class, and the first thing he said to my new teacher was: “You have Houseman?!” (My last name, mind you.) He went on talking about how much of an amazing student I was, how I was top of the class. You could see the sadness in his eyes.

I will miss sixth hour’s winning of most games, the random answers of that one kid who sat behind me, and the weird looks you always gave me when I got all of the answers and even the extra credit right. I will miss that snarky “Housemaaaaann” That you greeted me with whenever I entered the classroom. I will even miss the time you almost gave me a heart attack by jumping on the desk right in front of mine. I don’t even remember what you were talking about, probably because I had a mini heart attack.

I will never forget when you called me a monk when we were talking about the Dark Ages.

But all good things must come to an end.

I will miss you Blain,

~Houseman, The military and tank expert’s little sister




(p.s. the tank is a Soviet Russian t-34-85, just to let you know)


TODAY IS MR. BLAIN’S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wished him ‘Happy Birthday’ a total of  5 times today.


(just admit it, you are the dorkiest teacher ever)

In honor of him, I only think it would be right to post about Christopher Columbus, Blain’s least favorite person in World History A.

Mr. Blain’s favorite topic to rant about is how Columbus Day is the (and to quote the man himself,) THE STUPIDEST FREAKING THING to celebrate, ever. I share the same viewpoint as Blain, in this problem, because WHY CELEBRATE A MAN WHO BASICALLY COMMITTED GENOCIDE AND THEN PRETENDED LIKE THE LAND THAT HE HAD ‘DISCOVERED’ WAS HIS AND THEN TOOK ALL THE WOMEN AS HIS OWN AND SOLD THE NATIVES INTO SLAVERY?!!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!

Whoo! glad I got that off my chest.

Anyway, here’s the take home point:

If you, or any of your loved ones celebrate Columbus day, please politely ask them to rethink and consider what they are celebrating. Mr. Blain would be very thankful for that.

Hokay, I’ll talk to you peeps later.



So I’ve been living under a rock for the past month and I believe that I’m most likely dead. Not sure.

Today in History: Today is Joan of Arc’s birthday!  Yaaaaaaaaayyyyy!!!

On a darker note, Henry VIII of England married his fourth wife, Anne of Cleeves. The marriage will last only six months. (1540)

I’m back for good now. I promise!